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Home / Treasuries / Uncle Wiggily's Story Book

Uncle Wiggily's Story Book

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Uncle Wiggily is one of the most popular and enduring characters in American literature. A cheerful “bunny rabbit gentleman” with a wonderful knack for setting things right, he has been a reassuring friend to millions of children since early in the century. Uncle Wiggily’s amusing stories speak to readers about familiar experiences, and feature a lively cast of children and animal characters: Toodle and Noodle Flat-Tail, two playful beavers; Nurse Jane Fuzzy Wuzzy, Uncle Wiggily’s loyal muskrat housekeeper; Stubby Toes, the little boy who is helped by a sure-footed rabbit named Baby Bunty; Grandpa Goosey Gander; the Kite Boy; and many others. Full of charm, warmth, and old-fashioned fun.