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Home / Middle/High School / Lunch & Linger: A Social Hour for Homeschool Teens

Lunch & Linger: A Social Hour for Homeschool Teens

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Lunch & Linger: A Social Hour for Homeschool Teens
2 Semester Course:
1st Semester: August 16 to December 13
2nd Semester: January 17 to May 16
Price per Semester is $50
Class: Fridays 12 to 1 pm
Lunch & Linger is a dedicated hour where homeschool teens come together to enjoy lunch, socialize, and build connections in a relaxed and supportive environment. This informal gathering provides an opportunity for homeschool students to take a break from their academic studies, connect with their peers, and foster a sense of community.
During Lunch & Linger, teens are encouraged to bring their own lunch or snacks and gather in a designated area where they can comfortably eat and chat with friends. Whether it's sharing stories about their homeschool experiences, discussing hobbies and interests, or simply enjoying each other's company, Lunch & Linger offers teens a chance to unwind and recharge during the day.
The atmosphere during Lunch & Linger is laid-back and inclusive, with no formal agenda or structured activities. Instead, teens have the freedom to mingle, relax, and engage in spontaneous conversations with their fellow homeschoolers. This hour provides a valuable opportunity for socialization, peer support, and the development of interpersonal skills.
Lunch & Linger is not only a time for socializing but also a space where teens can feel empowered to express themselves, be heard, and forge meaningful connections with like-minded individuals. Whether they're sharing laughter, swapping stories, or offering words of encouragement, Lunch & Linger is a welcoming and supportive community for homeschool teens to come together and nourish both their bodies and their friendships.
Refrigerator, plates, silverware, and microwave are available for use.