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Home / Elementary / Foundations: Carpentry & Homestead: Mending [Quarter 1: August 12 through October 3]

Foundations: Carpentry & Homestead: Mending [Quarter 1: August 12 through October 3]

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Foundations: Carpentry & Homestead: Mending [Quarter 1: August 12 through October 3]
Ages: 5 to 13
Location: 1 Bending Branch, Belton, TX
When signing up, please put your child's name, age, and any allergies in the comment box. Students will be divided by age or ability within the class to be appropriately challenged.

Building Foundations (Shop): Carpentry
Students will be challenged with building based hands in projects to learn the fundamentals of building with basic tools and wood.

We appreciate the protection and convenience our homes provide. But do our children appreciate all that goes into building that and keeping it up? Building Foundations will provide students practical knowledge of what goes into keeping a home in good condition with age appropriate projects to build foundational skills.

Happy Homestead (Home Ec): Sewing and Mending
Students will learn the basics of repairing fabric items that are damaged for function and beauty.

It’s not just a sound structure that makes a house a home. Happy Homestead teaches skills necessary to transform a space into a restorative refuge through studying and practicing principles of culinary arts, textile care, gardening, and interior design and care.