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Home / Elementary / Visual & Performing Arts: Chorus & Painting [Quarter 1: August 12 through October 3]

Visual & Performing Arts: Chorus & Painting [Quarter 1: August 12 through October 3]

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Visual & Performing Arts: Chorus & Painting [Quarter 1: August 12 through October 3]
Ages: 5 to 13
Location: 1 Bending Branch, Belton, TX
When signing up, please put your child's name, age, and any allergies in the comment box. Students will be divided by age or ability within the class to be appropriately challenged.

Performance Arts: Students will develop basic skills and an appreciation for the beauty and rigor of the world of performing arts. Chorus teaching students the skills of presenting in front of a group, listening, teamwork, and memory while building confidence.
Painting teaches students hand dexterity, detail work, and an appreciation of art. Painting will include a gallery walk at the store location after the end fo the quarter.