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Home / Elementary / Linguistic Horizons: Spanish & Introduction to Citizenship & Community Helpers [Quarter 1: August 12 through October 3]

Linguistic Horizons: Spanish & Introduction to Citizenship & Community Helpers [Quarter 1: August 12 through October 3]

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Linguistic Horizons: Spanish & Introduction to Citizenship & Community Helpers [Quarter 1: August 12 through October 3]
Ages: 5 to 13
Location: 1 Bending Branch, Belton, TX
When signing up, please put your child's name, age, and any allergies in the comment box. Students will be divided by age or ability within the class to be appropriately challenged.

Linguistic Horizons: Spanish: This class is designed with 3 purposes: understand the relationships & evolution of languages, create a working foundation for the languages, and develop appreciation for the cultures related to the languages.

Good Citizenship: Introduction to Citizenship & Community Helpers. Texas homeschool laws require teaching “good citizenship”. If you struggle with what this means and how to teach it let us take that burden off your shoulders. From roles and responsibilities of public officials to rights and responsibilities of citizens and respectful civic engagement, this class will provide your child a sense of purpose and fulfill that elusive requirement.