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Home / Elementary / Exploring Habitats & Ecosystems & Upcycling and Recycled Crafts (With Holiday Bazaar) [Quarter 2: October 12 through December 16]

Exploring Habitats & Ecosystems & Upcycling and Recycled Crafts (With Holiday Bazaar) [Quarter 2: October 12 through December 16]

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Exploring Habitats & Ecosystems & Upcycling and Recycled Crafts (With Holiday Bazaar) [Quarter 2: October 12 through December 16]
Ages: 5 to 13
When signing up, please put your child's name, age, and any allergies in the comment box. Students will be divided by age or ability within the class to be appropriately challenged.

Every creature has a home and students will learn about homes and how they affect the animals that live there in the biology and earth science based course - Exploring Habitats & Ecosystems.

Handcrafts: Handcrafts spark creativity while teaching nuanced skills that teach detail work, precise hand motions, and patience. Students have the opportunity to look differently at reusing items in Upcycling and Recycled Crafts. In December students will get to sell their creations at a Holiday Bazaar.