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Home / Choose Your Own Adventure / *NEW* Magic of the Unicorn [Choose Your Own Adventure]

*NEW* Magic of the Unicorn [Choose Your Own Adventure]

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Ages 9-12 | Grade Levels 4-8 | Choose from 27 Possible Endings

Written in the second-person, the reader is the hero of the story who makes decisions along the way.

Only a unicorn's horn can purify the water in your medieval village, so you set off to find one. Can you solve the town riddle and find the sorceress? Does a unicorn reside in the forest? A fire-breathing dragon, angry warlock, and powerful wood-witch all stand in your path.

Choose Your Own Adventure is the 4th bestselling children's book series of all time. Empowering generations of children through choice, it is widely commended for its appeal to reluctant readers.